Slice of Life 2021, Day 26: Out of Commission

Today would have been one of those great days to have a slice already typed and ready to go.

Because today, everything I’ve got – my attention, my creative juices, and basically any and all focus I have are going straight to my lower back, which is in the throes of some SUPER muscle spasms. And, as much as I hate the idea of writing about physical ailments for a whole host of reasons, it’s also the only thing my mind gives me the ability to express today.

I’ve tweaked my back before, and I’ve managed to stretch and nurse my way out of it. This time, it’s a humDINGER. Like, a suck-all-the-air-out-of-the-room kind of deal. And really, it’s been happening for a few weeks, but I’m generally too stubborn to admit that it’s an actual thing until I can’t get around it.

A trip to the physical therapist, the urgent care clinic and the chiropractor later, I’m loaded up on breathing and stretching exercises.

Oh. And a whole mess of steroids and muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories.

So, if you happen to notice that I’m not as lively in my participation or responses, that *may* be the reason why.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to start ruminating on tomorrow’s slice…

Published by Lainie Levin

Mom of two, full-time teacher, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and holder of a very full plate

26 thoughts on “Slice of Life 2021, Day 26: Out of Commission

  1. So sorry for your pain, but also okay to write about! I’ve been feeling pressure around daily posts…Should they be about practice? A teaching life? But the truth is, they’re about life and what it brings to us each day. And sometimes, you just have to go with that, just like our kiddos do in the classroom. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Exactly! It also reminds me that we need to understand when kids aren’t completely “into” whatever it is we’re writing, either because they’re not connected to their work, or because something else going on takes away their attention…

  2. Ugh, that sounds bad! I hope it’s one of the shorter-duration muscle spasms, otherwise I’m realizing with much despair of late, that my muscle spasms take forever to go!

  3. I hope you feel better soon! I have hip dysplasia and today my hip tweaks as I’m walking to the kiddos’ mailboxes and they go – Ms. B are you ok? Oh man, the joys of our bodies hu? I send you nothing but well wishes!

    1. Thanks! I’m usually pretty stoic about pain, but this round got me good…as for the hip dysplasia, I know THAT can be pretty rough too. : / Hope you are OK as well!

  4. Ugh I’ve been there! When all I can do is get acupuncture and muscle relaxants and lay down.. bodies can be the worst sometimes. Glad you still got your post finished. Hope you rest up

  5. You are so strong; congratulations for pressing on and writing anyway! Also, thank you for being vulnerable about physical pain – I desperately shy away from writing or talking about physical pain, but I loved reading your slice (not loved that you’re in pain!!)

    “but I’m generally too stubborn to admit that it’s an actual thing until I can’t get around it.” Yes. Yes. And YES.

    Here’s to embracing your body possibly telling you to slow down. 💜

    1. Thanks so much! Usually, my body waits til a break (like this Spring Break) to take its breath. Guess I’ll be working on that “slow down” thing *before* things go off the rails…

  6. Yeeikes! So sorry for the timing, although a back spasm is never ideal. Hope you can take it easy and are back at it soon. In the meantime, I’m most impressed with your persistence and grit. Does make me think about ‘making’ kids write when they’re having a down day or feeling unwell…

    1. Thanks! Been slowly climbing up – moving when can move, resting when I need to rest. I’m not a fan of being patient with myself, so I’m just taking this as PRACTICE. =)

  7. AAAARRGGH – I am sorry, Lainie! I know exactly what it’s like, having been flat on my back before, trying to endure (thanking God again for the eleventy-gazillionth time for books). I hope by the time you read this that relief has manifested itself. I am chuckling, though, at your inherent writing rock-starness; already off to think on the next slice. Reminds me of a line from Downton Abbey, from the great Maggie Smith: “Don’t be defeatist, dear; it’s very middle-class.” Healing to you, my friend.

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